The Leadership Circle is a 360 degree leadership competency assessment tool. It provides an assessment of the five creative leadership traits that enhance leadership effectiveness and business performance: Relating, Self-awareness, Authenticity, Systems awareness, and Achieves Results. The tool also assesses the three reactive traits that impede leadership effectiveness: Complying, Protecting, and Controlling.
A considerable body of research is available to support the validity and reliability of this tool to assess these traits. Also underpinning the tool is reserach to demonstrate the positive correlation between the five enhancing traits and leadership effectiveness and business performance, as well as negative correlations for the impeding traits.
The Leadership Circle is the only 360 degree competency assessment that simultaneously provides focused competency feedback while revealing the underlying assumptions that are causing a leadership pattern of strengths and limitations.
The tool requires a briefing, debriefing of the results, and an executive coaching program to enable the participant to identify and address strengths and areas for further development.
Duncan Sutherland is accredited in The Leadership Circle. Read more about The Leadership Circle.